



伊尔玛拉库萨(ilma rakusa瑞士-德国)

约纳斯·穆迪格(jonas modig,瑞典

顾彬(wolfgang kubin,德国)

玛格达卡尔聂奇magda carneci,罗马尼亚

维克多·罗德里格斯·努涅斯victor rodriquez-nunez,古巴-美国







                 international writing center

                                        school of liberal artsrenmin university of china



ilma rakusa(伊尔玛拉库萨)

ilma rakusa (born 1946) studied slavic and french literature in zurich, paris and st. petersburg. after her dissertation on the motif of loneliness in russian literature, she debuted with her first book of poems like winter (1977). she has published numerous poetry collections, short stories, prose books, as well as essays. she translates from russian, serbo-croatian, hungarian and french. ilma rakusa has for many years been a teacher at the university of zurich and a prominent patron and advocate for eastern european literature in the german speaking world and beyond. she is a regular contributor to major newspapers, such as neue zürcher zeitung and die zeit. her work has been widely celebrated and translated into 20 languages. she is a member of the german academy for language and literature. today, ilma rakusa lives in zurich, switzerland.

伊尔玛拉库萨(ilma rakusa)

伊尔玛拉库萨是著名德语女诗人德语界东欧和俄国文学权威翻译家及学者德国语言文学院院士。她的首部诗集题为《如在严冬》,迄今共有14部(含5部诗集)作品问世,并被翻译成超过20种不同外语。伊尔玛•拉库萨1990年获得彼得拉克翻译奖,1998年获得莱比锡书展奖,2003年获得阿德尔贝特 • 沙密索奖,2009年获得瑞士图书奖。她还是著名德国文化杂志《时代》和著名德语报刊《新苏黎世报》的长期撰稿人。伊尔玛•拉库萨对俄语和东欧文学的意见,对德语国家及整个西方影响深远。

jonas modig约纳斯·穆迪格

jonas modig was born in 1943 in stockholm, sweden. he published his first collection of poems, en sorts fattning (norstedts), in 1968, and went on to work in the publishing industry. during his career in publishing, he has been chairman of the swedish publisher′s association, editor-in-chief of the swedish journal book-of-the month, and president of the publishers wahlström & widstrand and albert bonnier books sweden. he returned to poetry writing after retirement, and in 2007 published annandagar(norstedts), which focused on the death of his youngest son in the 2004 indian ocean tsunami. then came a succession of poetry collections:radfall (2009), vinter i sommarhuset (2011) and kaninen rymde (2014). in addition, dagblad (langenskiölds, 2005) was co-written with his wife, maria modig. in 2014, the samfundet de nio (the nine society) awarded modig the prestigious de nio special prize.

约纳斯·穆迪格(jonas modig

约纳斯·穆迪格(jonas modig),瑞典当代著名诗人、出版家。作为诗人,穆迪格1968年开始发表作品。他的诗作如特朗斯特罗姆一样并不多,但近年离开繁忙的出版事务后,他连续发表的诗集广受好评,其中有2007年的《圣诞第二天》(即泰国发生海啸之日,穆迪格的爱子在海啸中丧生)、2009年的《换行》(radfall),2011年的《夏季别墅的冬天》(vinter i sommarhuset)和2014年的《兔子跑了》等。穆迪格2014年获得瑞典极有威望的“九人团”诗歌特别奖(10万瑞典克朗)。穆迪格长期从事文学出版。他担任过瓦尔斯特罗姆和维得斯特朗出版社(wahlström & widstrand)社长和瑞典最大的文学出版社博涅什出版社(bonnierförlagen)的社长,以及著名杂志《每月一书》主编。他出版的作品中包括诺贝尔文学奖获得者托马斯·特朗斯特罗姆、约瑟夫·布罗茨基、德瑞克·沃尔科特和谢默斯·希尼等的诗集,并且是这些诗人的私人挚友。

hirata toshiko(平田俊子)

hirata toshiko (1955-) is a japanese poet and novelist. during the 1980s, she, along with itō hiromi, emerged as one of the foremost voices of the “women’s boom” of poetry. her poetry is known for its directness and black humor. tāminaru (terminal), the 1997 anthology from which most of the poems translated here came, won the doi bansui prize for poetry. she has also won the hagiwara sakutarō prize for poetry for her 2004 collection shi nanoka (poetry seven days/is this poetry?).  in the last decade, she has increasingly turned to writing novels, which often feature ordinary people in bizarre circumstances that lead them to question the traditional family system and the spots allotted to them in society.  among her many novels are piano sando (piano sandwich, 2001), futari nori (two on board, 2004), which won the noma literary prize for new writers, and watashi no akakute yawarakana bubun (my soft, red place, 2007). 

平田俊子(hirata toshiko

平田俊子(1955- )日本当代著名诗人,作家。生于岛根县。毕业于立命馆大学文学部。1983年获得第一届《现代诗手帖》“现代诗新人奖”后,引起诗坛关注。1984年出版第一部诗集《报恩的薤》以来,相继出版有《大西洋极乐世界里的水盐味淡!》、《同夜晚胖的女人》、《快活夫妇》、《信转雨》、《现代诗文库·平田俊子诗集》(思潮社)等诗集。其中诗集《终点站》获得“晚翠诗歌奖”、《诗歌一星期》获得“萩原朔太郎诗歌奖”。另外,还出版有多部小说集,其中《两人乘坐》获“野间文艺新人奖”,以及散文集《昨日的露珠》和戏剧集《走运的收音机》等。2003年,与诗人谷川俊太郎、作家高桥源一郎三人合出的《活在日语中》(岩波书店)一书中,以每人创作一篇小说、一首诗和写一个剧本之创意,给日本文坛带来了不少新的刺激。


magda carneci玛格达卡尔聂奇

poet, essayist, prose writer, and member of the well-known “generation of the 80s” in romanian literature, magda carneci became actively involved in the romanian cultural and political scene after the revolution of december 1989 and is now president of pen club romania. she is also a member of the european cultural parliament. her romanian poetry collections have been translated into english (chaosmos, usa, 2006), into dutch (chaosmos, go-bos press, 2004) and into french (psaume, 1997; trois saisons poétiques, 2008, chaosmos, 2013). her ph.d. thesis was published under the title art and power in romania 1945-1989 (paris, 2007). in 2011 her novel fem was nominated for several national prizes in romania. she has also published several essay collections on cultural issues and visual arts. her works have been translated into thirteen languages and have appeared in many anthologies and international reviews.

玛格达• 卡尔聂奇 (magda carneci

玛格达• 卡尔聂奇是以“八零一代”著称的、活跃于世界的罗马尼亚女诗人。1989年12月变革后,她开始积极参与文学、现实活动,现任罗马尼亚笔会主席,并担任欧洲议会议员。她的诗作,除以罗马尼亚文出版外,也被译成英语、荷兰语、法语等十三种语言发表和出版。2007年,她的博士论文《罗马尼亚的艺术与权力1945——1989》在巴黎出版,其后她的小说fem获得多项重要文学奖提名。玛格达• 卡尔聂奇将促进中国和东欧思想、文学间的进一步深刻交流。

víctor rodríguez núñez维克多·罗德里格斯·努涅斯

víctor rodríguez núñez (havana, 1955) is a poet, journalist, literary critic, translator, and scholar. among his books of poetry are cayama (1979), con raro olor a mundo (1981), noticiario del solo (1987), cuarto de desahogo (1993), los poemas de nadie y otros poemas (1994), el último a la feria (1995), oración inconclusa (2000), actas de medianoche i (2006), actas de medianoche ii (2007), tareas (2011), reversos (2011), deshielos (2013), and desde un granero rojo (2013). anthologies of his work have come out in argentina, colombia, costa rica, cuba, ecuador, mexico, and spain, most recently cuarto de desahogo (2013), desde un granero rojo: poesía reciente (2014), and el mundo cabe en un alejandrino (2015). book-length translations of his work have been published in english, french, italian, macedonian, serbian and swedish, and a wide selection of his poems has appeared in another twelve languages. he has been invited to read his work in more than thirty countries. his most recent publications in english are with a strange scent of world: early poems (diálogos, 2014) and thaw (arc publications, 2013). translations into english of his work have appeared in asymptote, the brooklyn rail in translation,circumference, denver quarterly,the kenyon review, mid-american review, new england review, new letters, the new york quarterly, and poetry, among many others. his poetry has long been the recipient of major awards throughout the spanish-speaking world, including the david (cuba, 1980), the plural (mexico, 1983), the educa (costa rica, 1995); and in spain, the renacimiento (2000), the fray luis de león (2005), the leonor (2006), the rincón de la victoria (2010), the jaime gil de biedma (2011), and the alfons el magnànim (2013). in the eighties, he was the editor of cuba’s leading cultural magazine, el caimán barbudo, where he published numerous articles on literature and film. he has compiled three anthologies that define his poetic generation, as well as another of 20th century cuban poetry, la poesía del siglo xx en cuba (2011). he has brought out various critical editions, introductions, and essays on spanish american poets. with katherine m. hedeen, he has translated poetry from spanish into english (juan gelman and josé emilio pacheco, among others) and from english into spanish (mark strand and john kinsella, among others). he co-edits the latin american poetry in translation series for the british publisher salt. he divides his time between gambier, ohio, where he is currently professor of spanish at kenyon college, and havana, cuba.

维克多·罗德里格斯·努涅斯(víctor rodríguez núñez

维克托·罗德里格斯·努涅斯(víctor rodríguez núñez),1955年出生于古巴哈瓦那,诗人,记者,文学评论家,翻译家,学者。已出版20本西语诗集,选集也在多个国家出版,比如西班牙,法国,英国,美国,墨西哥,塞尔维亚,瑞典,此外他的作品还被译成阿拉伯语,荷兰语,德语,希伯来语,匈牙利文语,立陶宛语,马其顿语,葡萄牙语,斯洛文尼亚语和俄语。他在古巴、墨西哥、哥斯达黎加和西班牙获得过重要诗歌奖项。他主编了四本古巴当代诗集,以定义他所处的年代以及他的同代诗人。八十年代他曾是古巴最重要的文化杂志主编,除了从事文学和电影评论之外,还介绍西班牙和美洲诗人。他关于马尔克斯的文学评论专著获得过enrique josé varona奖(1986),并出版了多部文学评论集。他翻译过的诗人包括马克·斯特兰德,出版了十多本翻译诗集(英译西五本,西译英七本,多为合译)。目前他是美国俄亥俄州凯尼恩学院的西班牙语文学教授,兼任墨西哥某重要文学杂志副主编,居住于俄亥俄与古巴。

wolfgang kubin (沃尔夫冈·顾彬

professor dr. wolfgang kubin was born in celle, germany on december 17th, 1945. a sinologist, poet, and essayist, he is currently emeritus professor at the university of bonn, where he was the former director of the institute of oriental and asian studies and former professor of sinology, senior professor at beijing foreign studies university, chair of the department of german at ocean university of china, and honorary professor at many chinese universities.

one of the most renowned sinologists in germany, prof. dr. kubin has been editor of the journals orientierungen: zeitschrift zur kultur asiens and minima sinica: zeitschrift zum chinesischen geist since 1989. he is the editor of the ten-volume history of chinese literature, geschichte der chinesischen literatur (a history of the chinese literature in the 20th century. a dedicated translator of chinese literature, he has translated into german the works of lu xun, bei dao, yang lian, zhang zao, ouyang jianghe, zhai yongming, wang jiaxin and many more.

prof. dr. kubin’s poetry collections include das neue lied von der alten verzweiflung (a new song about old despair, 2000), narrentürme (fools’ towers, 2002), schattentänzer (shadow dancer, 2004), lacrimae mundi (tears of the world, 2008), and das dorf der singenden fische (the village of the singing fish, 2011). he was the recipient of the 2003 lesegesellschaft (reading society) literary prize. he has also published the short story collection halbzeit einer liebe (half-time of love, 2006) and the essay collection unterm schnurbaum. deutsch-chinesische wahlverwandtschaften (under the twine tree: german-chinese elective affinities, 2009), among others.

for his scholarly research, achievements in translation, and contributions to chinese literature, prof. dr. kubin has been received numerous awards and honors. in 2007, the chinese government presented him with the national culture award. later the same year, he received the pamir international poetry prize and the zhongkun award for poetry translation. in 2009, he received tsinghua university’s weilun research award. he was presented with the foreign poet in china award at the 5th pearl river international poetry festival in 2011 and appointed poet in residence at renmin university of china in 2012. in 2013, he was awarded the johann-heinrich-voss prize by the german academy of language and literature.

沃尔夫冈·顾彬(wolfgang kubin)


wang jiaxinchina

wang jiaxin is a poet, essayist, critic and translator. he was born in 1957 in hubei province and enrolled in wuhan university in 1978, studying chinese literature. in 1985 he moved to beijing and began working as an editor for the journal poetry. since 2006 he has been professor of literature and director of the international writing center at renmin university of china.

wang has published the following books of poetry: commemoration (1985), moving cliff (1997), poetry by wang jiaxin (2001), unfinished poems (2008), and tarkovsky’s tree (2013). collections of literary and critical essays include a meeting of man and the world (1989), a nightingale in its own time (1997), poems without a hero (2002), by way of stockholm (2007), finding a perch for the phoenix (2008), the snow’s regalia (2010), and before your late face (2013) . his translations include selected poetry and writings of paul celan (2002), with the book from tarussa: translations by wang jiaxin (2014), new year’s greetings: poems by marina tsvetaeva (2014). my age, my animal: poems by osip mandelshtam(2015), wang is also the editor of many poetry anthologies: 20th century foreign poets on poetry (1992), collected writings of yeats (3 volumes, 1996), poems from modern european and american poets (3 volumes, 2003), chinese poetry in the 1990s (2000), an introductory guide to modern poetry around the world (2012).

wang jiaxin is one of china’s most eminent contemporary poets . he is highly regarded not only for his poetry, but also for his essays , criticism and translation. he has been invited frequently to attend international literary festivals and hold readings in many countries. inthe fall of 2013 he attend the 46th session of the international writing program at the university of iowa. a collection of his poems, dämmerung auf gotland , published in austria in 2011 . his collection of poems in english, titled darkening mirror: wang jiaxin’s poems, will be published with an introduction by robert hass in the us.

王家新(wang jiaxin         


王家新被视为近二十多年以来中国当代最重要的诗人之一。在创作的同时,他的诗歌批评、诗学随笔和诗歌翻译也产生了广泛影响。作品被译成多种文字,德文诗选《哥特兰的黄昏》2011年在奥地利出版,由罗伯特·哈斯作序的英文诗选《变暗的镜子》2015年将在美国出版。多次参加一些国际诗歌节和国际文学交流活动,并在国外一些大学讲学、做驻校诗人。20138-11月应邀参加美国爱荷华国际写作项目。曾获多种国内外文学奖,近年获首届“袁可嘉诗歌奖·诗学奖”、韩国昌原第四届kc国际诗文学奖、 首届“中国屈原诗歌奖·金奖”。

zhou zanchina

zhou zan (1968- ) is a poet, translator, playwright and literary scholar. born in jiangsu province, she received her phd from peking university in 1999 and is now working at the institute of literature at the chinese academy of social sciences. zhou zan founded wings, a literary journal for women’s poetry in china, with zhai yongming in 1998. the following year, she won the liu li’an poetry prize and published dreams, or self-observations. she received an acls fellowship in 2006 and was a visiting scholar at columbia university during 2006-2007. in 2008, zhou zan co-founded ladybird theatre in beijing with cao kefei. she is also a member of beijing flowing fire tent theatre troupe.


zhou zan’s works include the poetry collections turn me loose (writer’s press, 2007), writing on xue tao’s paper (poetry ems, 2010), reversed portrait (tungsten wire press, 2013), and the monographs through the periscope of poetic writing (social sciences academic press, 2007) and after shaking off silence (peking university press, 2014). her translations include nina cassian’s cheerleader for a funeral (poetry ems, 2010) and margaret atwood’s eating fire: selected poetry 1965-1995 (henan university press, 2014).

周瓒(zhou zan


tang xiaoduchina

tang xiaodu, poet and poetry critic, was born in january 1954 and graduated from the department of chinese literature at nanjing university in 1981. he is now senior editor at the writers publishing house, editor-in-chief of contemporary world poetry, member of china writers association, and research fellow at the institute for research on chinese poetry at peking university. 

for over thirty years tang xiaodu has devoted himself to researching, criticizing, and compiling contemporary chinese poetry, especially chinese avant-garde poetry, while also writing and translating poems. he has published seven essay collections including today means every day and tang xiaodu on poetics: collected essays. he has translated into chinese milan kundera’s the art of the novel and the works of sylvia plath, vaclav havel, czesław miłosz, zbigniew herbert, and miroslav holub, among others. he has edited numerous poetry anthologies, such as the anthology of 20th century great foreign poets, a retrospective of contemporary schools of poetry, and the pamir anthology of contemporary poetry. he has also edited and compiled more than ten poetry selections, such as selections of contemporary experimental chinese poetry and thirty years of contemporary avant-garde poetry. he took part in founding independent poetry magazines including survivors and modern chinese poetry.

tang’s works have been anthologized at home and abroad, and many of his papers have received important prizes in china. he has received the award for outstanding criticism from the journal contemporary writers review, the “ministry of education’s outstanding column” prize for research on contemporary modern and contemporary poetics (2012), and the notable contemporary chinese literary critic prize (2013). since 1995, he has been invited to many european and american universities as visiting scholar or for poetry readings. in 2001, he was invited to attend the 1st world citizens assembly held in lille, france. in september 2008, he was a guest at the 8th berlin international literature festival. he has been a frequent organizer and host of forums and gatherings for many acclaimed chinese and foreign poets since 2006.

 唐晓渡(tang xiaodu


yang lian ()

yang lian was born in switzerland in 1955 and grew up in beijing. he rose to widespread recognition in the chinese poetry scene in the 1980s with the publication of his long poem “norilang”, and expanded into writing around and for the world from the 1990s onwards.

yang lian has since published in chinese twelve collections of poems, two collections of essays, and one collection of literary criticism. his works have also been translated into more than thirty languages, including english, german, french, italian, spanish, and japanese among others. notable works include long poems such as “ (yi)”, “where the sea stands still”, “concentric circles” and “the narrative poem”, which have earned him the reputation of "macdiarmid meeting rilke, or a drawn samurai sword" and "one of the most representative voices in contemporary chinese literature". he also co-edited with the english poet w.n. herbert jade ladder, a new anthology of contemporary chinese poetry in english translation (bloodaxe, 2012), and the third shore, an anthology of poets translating each other’s works into chinese or english (shearsman, 2013).

yang lian was elected board member of pen international in 2008 and 2011. in 2012, a jury chaired by v.s. naipaul awarded him the nonino international literature prize in italy. in 2013, he received the “tian duo” (heavenly bell) prize for long poems in china. the same year, he was invited to become a member of the norwegian academy of literature and freedom of expression. he was awarded the international capri prize in italy in 2014.

(yang lian)

杨炼,1955年出生于瑞士,成长于北京,曾以长诗《诺日朗》轰动大陆诗坛。九零年代后开始世界性写作。其作品中文诗集十二种、散文集二种,文论集一部。代表作为长诗《 》、《大海停止之处》、《同心圆》、《叙事诗》等。杨炼作品被译成三十余种外文,被誉为“像麦克迪尔米德遇见了里尔克,还有一把出鞘的武士刀!”和世界上当代中国文学最有代表性的声音之一。杨炼和英国诗人w n herbert共同主编有英译当代中文诗选《玉梯》,及中英诗人互译诗选《大海的第三岸》。杨炼于20082011年两次以最高票当选国际笔会理事。他获得的奖项中,包括2012年,杨炼获得由诺贝尔文学奖得主奈保尔任评审团主席的意大利诺尼诺国际文学奖。2014年,杨炼获得意大利著名的卡普里国际诗歌奖。2013年,杨炼获邀成为挪威文学暨自由表达学院院士。

mai mangthe us.

mai mang 麦芒(yibing huang) was born in changde, hunan in 1967. he established himself as a poet in the 1980s and received his ba, ma, and phd in chinese literature from beijing university. mai mang moved to the united states in 1993 and earned a second phd in comparative literature from ucla. he is the author of two books of poetry, stone turtle: poems 1987–2000 (2005) and approaching blindness (2005), as well as contemporary chinese literature: from the cultural revolution to the future (new york: palgrave macmillan, 2007). he also published articles on and translations of contemporary chinese poetry in english language journals such as amerasia journal, world literature today, and chinese literature today. in 2009 he served as a juror for the 2010 neustadt international prize for literature and nominated chinese poet duo duo, who became the first chinese author to win the prestigious prize. in 2011 mai mang edited "the china issue" for the hong kong based english language online journal cha, introducing contemporary chinese poetry and art. in 2012 mai mang won the 20th rou gang poetry prize in china. mai mang is currently associate professor of chinese at connecticut college.

麦芒(mai mang

麦芒,1967年生于湖南常德。自19831993年就读于北京大学中文系,先后获得中国文学学士、硕士和博士学位。1993年移居美国,2001年获得美国加州大学洛杉矶分校比较文学博士学位。自2000年起至今任教于美国康州学院,研究并讲授中国现当代文学和比较文学。著有中文诗集《接近盲目》(2005),中英文双语诗集《石龟》(2005),英文学术专著《当代中国文学:从文化大革命到未来》(contemporary chinese literature: from the cultural revolution to the future) (纽约:palgrave macmillan, 2007),并在美国《亚美学刊》、《今日世界文学》和《今日中国文学》等刊物上发表对中国当代诗歌的评论以及翻译。2009年担任美国纽斯塔德国际文学奖评委,提名推荐中国诗人多多,后者最终获得2010年纽斯塔德文学奖,并成为历史上第一位获得此奖的中国作家。2011年为香港英文网刊cha 主编一期中国专辑,翻译并介绍当代中国诗歌和艺术。2012年在中国国内获第20届柔刚诗歌奖主奖。

chen yuhong (taiwan)

proclaimed taiwanese poet/translator. chen yuhong was born in kaohsiung. graduated from wenzao ursuline college of foreign languages with a degree in english, she lived for many years in vancouver, canada, before returning to taipei. she is one of the rare few bilingual chinese poets who read widely and work with english poetry.  her own literary creation is marked by her contributions as a literary translator. her published translations include: 2015 eating fire by canadian poet/novelist margaret atwood, 2010 rapture by british poet laureate, carol ann duffy, 2009 la citadelle des neiges, a book of spirituality and fables by french tibetan buddhist monk, matthieu ricard, and 2004 sappho's lyrical fragments.

chen yuhong writes her poems in the mountains, while maintaining a home in the city. translated today into english and japanese, korean and spanish, her work includes about poetry(1996), in fact, sea (1999), river streams deep into your veins (2002), annotations (2004), bewitchment (2007) and in between (2011), and prose the oblique angle 365°, journal 2010 (2011).  in particular, annotations — a collection of some sixty love poems interweaved with chen’s original renderings of sappho’s lyric stanzas — was named taiwan’s “best poetrytitle” in 2004. she was then the third female poet thus honored. laureate of the poems by annual poetry award in 2004, and the medal for the arts from the chinese association of literature and arts in 2007, her work was also anthologized in three decades of thirty major poets from taiwan, published by the respected chiuko press in 2008.

陈育虹(chen yuhong


xi chuanchina

xi chuan,born in 1963 in xuzhou,jiangsu province,is a poet,essayist,and translator.after graduating from the english department of beijing university in 1985,he worked as a magazine editor.gaining recognition in the late 1980s,xi chuanwriting was defined by a condensed,numinous lyricism as openly receptive to classical chinese influences as to western modernist traditions.after the crushing failure of tiananmen and the death of two of his closest poet-friends,xi chuan stopped writing for three years .when he picked up his pen again,his poetry was transformed:he began writing meditative,expansive prose poems that dismantled the style and aesthetics of his earlier lyrics.xi chuan currently teaches classical chinese literature at the central academy for fine arts in beijng.



